


AeroAnalys is a Transport Canada Approved Maintenance Organization (AMO 32-12) and also a Honeywell Authorized Service Center. We will perform your mandatory Intelligibility Tests under all applicables regulations and with the latest manufacturer maintenace manual and equipment.Excerpt of Canadian Aviation Regulations (Standard 625 – Appendix C) about Cockpit Voice Recorder Maintenance;


  • 15 (c)        An intelligibility check shall be performed by means of a test procedure which, when completed under operational conditions, shall enable verification of intelligible recorded audio information from all the various input sources required by the regulations… at every 3,000 hours, or 12 months, whichever comes first.
  • 15 (d)        An intelligibility check shall be performed by means of a test procedure which, when completed under operational conditions, shall enable verification of intelligible recorded audio information from all the various input sources required by the regulations:
  •  15 (e)       CVR maintenance and overhaul shall be performed in accordance with manufacturer’s recommendations
  •   Note        EUROCAE ED-56 (refer to its latest revision) document provides guidelines for CVR maintenance in general; it also provides information relative to equipment required to adequately evaluate the quality of voice recording.



We also perform all intelligibility tests per per EUROCAE ED-112A (Sep. 2013) guidelines;


  • I-A.1.4;      The replay and evaluation of recordings shall be performed by personnel with adequate knowledge of CVR systems and aircraft operations, and who have appropriate experience of the techniques used to evaluate recordings.
  • I-A.1.5;      A test report and certification in a format acceptable to the Certification Authority will be required to record the observations made from evaluation of the recording.
  • I-A.2.2;     The recording should be copied to a multi-track instrumentation quality audio recording for qualitative and quantitative evaluation and to provide evidence of recording quality.